The ScheduleEditorProxy type exposes the following members.


Initializes a new instance of the ScheduleEditorProxy class.


Removes all events from the list. Note that ClearAllEvents is not currently supported.
Inserts an event into the list using the event’s XML document to initialize event properties.
The Cue function is implimented to allow the next event to playout to be cued with the first frame of video shown on the video output. When cued, the event will change to an Approximate event trigger and can be started by the Take command or Take Next GPI input. Not all events in a list can be cued. Only the currently playing event, next event, or next section is supported. The currently playing event can be recued, cued back to the start of material. The next event (follow, absolute, or approximate) can be cued up during playback or an idle period. The next section, meaning absolute or approximate, can also be cued up, possibly skipping follows. Other events cannot be cued without first modifying the schedule so that the desired event meets one of the above conditions.
Call Detach to explicitly release this instance.
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the ScheduleEditorProxy is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Overrides Object..::.Finalize()()().)
GetEventProperty gets the specified event property, given an event id and an event property name. It can also return an array of properties. In this case, a concatonation of event properties is needed. IE: "property1+propery2" would return an array of properties containing property1 and property2.
Gets a XML that represents a single event and all of its properties.
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)

Gets a XML document that represents all events in the list, including each event’s properties.

Each EventInfo node in the result represents an event. Within the EventInfo nodes, there can be EventData, PlayEventData, and TransferEventData nodes to describe the event.

Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Gets an XML document containing up to a specified number of change notices.
Inserts the delete event.
Inserts the play event.
Inserts the record event.
The InsertSwitchEvent function allows for a scheduled period of time in EtoE or Black mode. Switch events are always absolute triggered events. When the Switch Event is executed, EtoE will be displayed on the output. Switch events have no predetermined duration. The event will end at the start of the next play event. Since switch events have no duration, they cannot have follow events. EVTSRV_BAD_PARENT is returned when trying to insert a follow event after a switch event. Note: bEtoE == false returns System.NotImplementedException

A Change notice will be generated of type NoticeInsertEvent for the new event. If the event got cued during insertion, a NoticeEventCued notice will generated as well.

With end mode set to EtoE and playbackEtoE set to True, the switch event will show EtoE. With end mode set to black and playbackEtoE set to False, the switch event will show Black. EndMode and PlaybackEtoE can be set via the K2 AppServer Api in the Controller interface.

Inserts the transfer event.
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Moves an event to the specified location in the list. This call can be made only for follow events.
Removes the specified event from the list.
Specifies an alternate movie to play in case the primary movie cannot be played for some reason. An alternate event can only be specified for a Play Event. If not provided, the event's altMarkIn will default to the clip's markin from the database.
Modifies an event property, given an event id, and an event property name and value. It can also set an array of properties. In this case, a concatonation of event properties is needed. IE: "property1+propery2" would allow setting of properties property1 and property2.
Set an absolute or approximate start time for the specified event. Note that this function will change the event trigger type (absolute or approximate), if bAbsolute does not match the current event trigger type. Follow trigger type is not supported with this command because Follow events don't have a start timecode.
Stops processing the specified event, if it is in progress. If the event is cued, busy, take, or halt state, then it and all of its follows are stopped and unloaded from the timeline.
Stub for future Switch function. Returns System.NotImplementedException
Start processing the specified event. Take is supported only for Play and Record events. Take can be done only on events that are in ready state or are cued.
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Updates an event info using the event’s XML document to initialize event properties.

See Also