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Version File in Exported Log Zip File

In AppCenter from the System menu you can select a submenu called Export Log. This creates a zip file of the K2 Client's mlog.mmf and config.xml plus another file called version.txt. The version text file contains system information such as the software version, the system model, file system information, etc. Some developers have asked what calls we are making to generate this information. Below is a C# code snippet of the function and the calls that are used to generate this file.

Example Version.txt file:
Platform:  MX
Model:  K2-HD-22
Serial Number:  k2-01bb01670
Software version:
Real time version: M-Series
Database description:  Microsoft SQL Server 9.00.3054.00 Standard Edition SP2 (Media DB: 9.0)
File system description:  StorNext File System 3.0.3b56 Created: Mon Jan 21 11:26:52 MST 2008
Codec board:  Board Id: 0x53, Version: 4.03, PLD firmware: 6012700
// function for generating version.txt file
private void CreateVersionFile()
    string platform = null;
    string model = null;
    string serialNum = null;
    string software = null;
    string realTime = null;
    string database = null;
    string fileSystem = null;
    string codecBoard = null;
    string filePath = Path.Combine(directory, VERSION);
    using ( StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter( filePath ))
        // Get the platform info
        appServerMgr.GetMSeriesIdInfo( IdComp.PLATFORM, out platform );

        if ( platform != null )
            sw.WriteLine( "Platform:  " + platform );

        // Get the model number
        appServerMgr.GetMSeriesIdInfo( IdComp.MODEL, out model );

        if ( model != null )
            sw.WriteLine( "Model:  " + model );

        // Get the serial number
        appServerMgr.GetMSeriesIdInfo( IdComp.SERIAL_NUM, out serialNum );

        if ( serialNum != null )
            sw.WriteLine( "Serial Number:  " + serialNum );

        // Get the software version
        appServerMgr.GetMSeriesIdInfo( IdComp.SW_VER, out software );

        if ( software != null )
            sw.WriteLine( "Software version:  " + software );

        // Get the real time version
        appServerMgr.GetMSeriesIdInfo( IdComp.RT_VER, out realTime );

        if ( realTime != null )
            sw.WriteLine( "Real time version:  " + realTime );

        // Get the database description
        appServerMgr.GetMSeriesIdInfo( IdComp.DB_DESC, out database );

        if ( database != null )
            sw.WriteLine( "Database description:  " + database );

        // Get the file system description
        appServerMgr.GetMSeriesIdInfo( IdComp.FS_DESC, out fileSystem );

        if ( fileSystem != null )
            sw.WriteLine( "File system description:  " + fileSystem );

        // Get the codec board
        appServerMgr.GetMSeriesIdInfo( IdComp.CODEC_BD_DESC, out codecBoard );

        if ( codecBoard != null )
            sw.WriteLine( "Codec board:  " + codecBoard );