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C# Script Samples

Go to CS-Script - The C# Script Engine website.

CS-Script (pronounced C sharp script) is a CLR (Common Language Runtime) based scripting system which uses ECMA-compliant C# as a programming language. It combines the power and richness of C# with the flexibility of a scripting system.

The C# samples below take advantage of CS-Script by providing K2 code that will run from a single C# file. For instance, you could open a DOS prompt and run a script as easily as this:

C:\> cscs.exe PlayClip.cs

To use these samples you will first need to setup your machine:

1. If you are writing code on a PC rather than the K2, install the Control Point software on your PC.

2. Next install CS-Script software:

  • Download Extract it to "C:\Program Files". It will create a new directory called "C:\Program Files\cs-script".
  • Next run "C:\Program Files\cs-script\css_config.exe". This will update system environment variables and bring up the configuration console. Press the "Close" button.
  • To uninstall, run "C:\Program Files\cs-script\config.bat" and press 'Deactivate' button on the 'General' tab in the configuration console. It will undo any changes made byCS-Script installation.

3. (Optionally) Install a text editor that is good for code editing (recommendation: Notepad++.)

4. Save any of the examples below to your "c:\profile" directory, then at a DOS prompt run: "cscs.exe "


Summit Samples:

LivePlay.cs shows how to play a live recording clip within 0.5 second of the record position.
FlyingMixEffects.cs shows how to create flying mix effects between the foreground and background contexts of a channel.
PlaylistMixEffects.cs shows how to create a playlist with section and event mix effects transitions.

Samples: (click here to download all samples)

File Description
HelloWorld.cs basic "Hello World" C# script demonstrating command-line arguments, getting input, printing out text, and returning an exit code
BasicK2Connection.cs script showing each K2 connection steps. It shows you the basic calls you need to get started
K2ScriptTemplate.cs a better K2 connection script template that encapsulates several of the connection calls in one connection object. makes for easier code reading.
GetSystemStatus.cs get system status
LogMessage.cs log a message
PlayClip.cs play a clip
RecordClip.cs record a clip
ScheduledPlay.cs play a clip at a scheduled time
ScheduledRecord.cs record a clip at a scheduled time
CopyClip.cs copy a clip
DeleteClip.cs delete a clip
TransferaClip.cs transfer a clip
GetVersion.cs get system version information
GetDiskSpace.cs get disk space
GetChannelOwner.cs get channel owner information
GetAssetProperties.cs get properties of a clip
GetChannelProperties.cs get channel properties
CreateBin.cs create a bin
GetXmlChanges.cs get XML change information
ClipCacheCalls.cs demonstrates calls needed to efficiently build a clip cache
EnumerateVolumes.cs enumerate the volumes
MonitorTransfers.cs monitor transfers
PlayList.cs create a play list
RecordAndRenameClip.cs record clip, get editor, rename clip
viewmovie.cs view movie attributes
GetTimecode.cs get the current timecode of a player
InsertEditTwoHead.cs demonstrates how to do insert edits and use two heads for playback
PlayerCreateSubclip.cs create a subclip from a clip loaded in a player
MediaMgrCreateSubclip.cs create a subclip from a clip NOT loaded in a player
ImportDeleteTracks.cs shows how to import, delete, move, and label tracks in a clip
AddAncillaryData.cs shows how to merge, replace, and add ancillary data to a clip
LoadSaveConfig.cs shows how to load a configuration from or save a configuration to a local file.
SetAssetARC.cs set aspect ratio conversion on a clip-by-clip basis.
GenerateAsRunLog.cs generate an as-run log by parsing the log file for played clips.
DisplayPlayedAssets.cs displays just played asset names in a playing playlist.
GetSetTrackLabels.cs get and set a clip's track labels.
GetInfoFromClipXML.cs get information from a clip's XML representation.
SplitAndCombineEdits.cs how to split and combine a clip's edits