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Get System Status

Below is sample code for checking out the status of the K2. If the K2 is running and it has finished it's startup sequence, you should see the following values returned:

SystemMode: Normal
BootCode: NORMAL

Check the Status namespace for a list of other BootStage and BootCode values.

// make sure the remote system is up and running first
string systemMode;
BootStage bootStage;
BootCode bootCode;
appServerMgrProxy.GetSystemStatus(out systemMode, out bootStage, out bootCode);
Console.WriteLine("SystemMode = {0} BootStage = {1} BootCode = {2}", systemMode, 
bootStage, bootCode);
BSTR systemMode;
BootStage bootStage;
BootCode bootCode;
spAppServerMgrProxy->GetSystemStatus(&systemMode, &bootStage, &bootCode);
CString sSystemMode = systemMode;
printf("SystemMode: %s BootStage: %d BootCode: %d\n\n", sSystemMode, 
bootStage, bootCode);