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Get Asset Properties

The IMediaMgr::GetProperty function can be used to return one or more asset properties. Click here for a list of all asset properties.

Note that if you need to get multiple properties it is more efficient to make one GetProperty call for all properties rather than multiple GetProperty calls for each property.

IMediaMgr mediaMgr = iappServer.CreateMediaMgr(appName);

// get a single property
string assetType = (string) mediaMgr.GetProperty("edl/cmf//local/V:/default/Clip", 
Console.WriteLine("asset type = " + assetType);

// get multiple properties
object[] results = (object[]) mediaMgr.GetProperty("edl/cmf//local/V:/default/Clip",

foreach (object obj in results)
Console.WriteLine("obj = " + obj);

// cleanup
IMediaMgrPtr spMediaMgr;
hr = spAppServer->CreateMediaMgr(_bstr_t("YourApplicationName"), 

VARIANT varResult;
// get a single property
hr = spMediaMgr->GetProperty(_bstr_t("edl/cmf//local/V:/default/Clip"), 
 _bstr_t("assetType"), &varResult);

CString sAssetType = varResult.bstrVal; 
printf("asset type: %s\n", sAssetType);

// get multiple properties
hr = spMediaMgr->GetProperty(_bstr_t("edl/cmf//local/V:/default/Clip"), 
 _bstr_t("LengthStr+videoCompressionType+videoFormatStr"), &varResult);

SAFEARRAY *pArray = varResult.parray;
long arrIndex[1];

// get the first property
arrIndex[0] = 0;
SafeArrayPtrOfIndex(pArray, arrIndex, (void **)&pVar);
CString sLength = pVar->bstrVal; 

// get the second property
arrIndex[0] = 1;
SafeArrayPtrOfIndex(pArray, arrIndex, (void **)&pVar);
CString sVideoCompressionType = pVar->bstrVal; 

// get the third property
arrIndex[0] = 2;
SafeArrayPtrOfIndex(pArray, arrIndex, (void **)&pVar);
CString sVideoFormat = pVar->bstrVal; 

printf("Length: %s VideoCompressionType: %s VideoFormat: %s\n\n", 
 sLength, sVideoCompressionType, sVideoFormat);