using System; using System.Threading; using GrassValley.Mseries.AppServer; using GrassValley.Mseries.AppServerLog; using GrassValley.Mseries.ChanStatus; using GrassValley.Mseries.ConfigMgr; using GrassValley.Mseries.Control; using GrassValley.Mseries.DVCapture; using GrassValley.Mseries.Editor; using GrassValley.Mseries.MediaMgr; using GrassValley.Mseries.Security; using GrassValley.Mseries.Status; using GrassValley.Mseries.TransferQueue; // Leave the following "css_reference" lines in when running with CS-Script. They're // more than just comments - they tell CS-Script which DLLs to load if the DLL // name does not match the namespace that it implements. //css_reference Credentials.dll; //css_reference ServerUtil.dll; namespace K2Script { class Test { static int Main(string[] args) { try { // get the application's name & create a unique suite name string appName = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[0]; string suiteName = appName + "_" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); // fill in these values for your connection (i.e. hardcode them, pass in cmdline arguments, read from file, read from console, etc.) string host = "localhost"; string username = ""; string password = ""; string domain = ""; string asset = "edl/cmf//local/V:/default/Clip"; // Connect to host & pass in credentials. The "using" block disposes connection when done. using ( Connection connection = new Connection(appName, suiteName, host, username, password, domain) ) { // do work only if we have a valid connection if ( connection.IsConnected ) { // get a media mgr object using ( IMediaMgr mediaMgr = connection.AppServer.CreateMediaMgr(appName) ) { // get an editor for the asset using ( ISimpleEditor2 editor = (ISimpleEditor2) mediaMgr.CreateEditor(asset) ) { // set asset's aspect ratio conversion - possible values: "Default", "Bars", "Halfbars", "Crop", "Stretch" // More asset property information can be found here: // // set property editor.SetProperty("AspectRatioConversion", "Default"); // get it back just to verify. You can check in AppCenter, too. string assetType = (string) editor.GetProperty("AspectRatioConversion"); Console.WriteLine("ARC = " + assetType); // Make sure you detach your editor! if not, you'll leave an open reference to your movie. editor.Detach(); } } } } } catch (SystemException se) { Console.WriteLine(se); } return 0; } } // Connection helper class: sets up credentials & hostname, connects to K2 public class Connection: IDisposable { private bool _connected = false; private AppServerMgrProxy _appServerMgrProxy = null; private IAppServer _appServer = null; /// /// Object that connects to the specified K2 credentials /// /// The application's name. /// The suite's name. /// The K2's host name. /// The username. /// The password. /// The domain. public Connection(string appname, string suitename, string host, string username, string password, string domain) { try { ////////////////////////// // SETUP ////////////////////////// if ( null == host || host.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Empty host name passed to Connection object."); return; } ////////////////////////// // CONNECT TO K2 ////////////////////////// // create an AppServerMgr proxy object _appServerMgrProxy = new AppServerMgrProxy(); // tell it which K2 we're connecting to _appServerMgrProxy.SetHost(host); // give it the user credentials we want to use if ( username.Length > 0 ) _appServerMgrProxy.SetUserCredentials(username, password, domain, false); // connect to the K2's AppServerMgr if ( !_appServerMgrProxy.Connect() ) { // if the connection failed, report an error and exit Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Could not connect to AppService on host '" + host + "'. Check the host name."); _appServerMgrProxy = null; return; } // if we got here we're connected to K2 AppService ////////////////////////// // CREATE AN APPSERVER ////////////////////////// // now create an AppServer bool newConnection = false; _appServer = _appServerMgrProxy.CreateAppServer(suitename, appname, out newConnection); _connected = true; } catch (SystemException se) { Console.WriteLine(se); } } /// /// Gets a value indicating whether this instance is connected. /// /// /// true if this instance is connected; otherwise, false. /// public bool IsConnected { get { return _connected; } } /// /// Gets the AppServerMgr. /// /// The AppServerMgr public AppServerMgrProxy AppServerMgr { get { if ( _appServerMgrProxy == null ) Console.WriteLine("WARNING: AppServerMgrProxy object == null!"); return _appServerMgrProxy; } } /// /// Gets the AppServer /// /// The AppServer public IAppServer AppServer { get { if ( _appServerMgrProxy == null ) Console.WriteLine("WARNING: AppServerProxy object == null!"); return _appServer; } } /// /// Disposes this instance. /// public void Dispose() { if ( _appServer != null ) _appServer.CloseConnection(); } } }