Inserts a play event into the list, given the URI for the clip, the layer to insert it on, and the event to insert it after. If the mark in or duration are empty, then they will be retrieved from the database. We recomend using the CreateEventFromXml(String, String) function rather than this function. Future Event Scheduler support will not be added to this function.

Namespace:  GrassValley.Mseries.ScheduleEditor
Assembly:  GrassValley.Mseries.ScheduleEditor (in GrassValley.Mseries.ScheduleEditor.dll) Version:


string InsertPlayEvent(
	string uri,
	int layer,
	Object eventTrigger,
	Object startDate,
	Object startTimecode,
	Object markIn,
	bool absoluteMarkIn,
	Object tcDuration,
	string afterEventId
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Function InsertPlayEvent ( _
	uri As String, _
	layer As Integer, _
	eventTrigger As Object, _
	startDate As Object, _
	startTimecode As Object, _
	markIn As Object, _
	absoluteMarkIn As Boolean, _
	tcDuration As Object, _
	afterEventId As String _
) As String
Visual C++
String^ InsertPlayEvent(
	String^ uri, 
	int layer, 
	Object^ eventTrigger, 
	Object^ startDate, 
	Object^ startTimecode, 
	Object^ markIn, 
	bool absoluteMarkIn, 
	Object^ tcDuration, 
	String^ afterEventId


Type: System..::.String
The clip's URI. IE: "edl/cmf//local/V:/default/Clip2"
Type: System..::.Int32
The layer. (Not Currently supported)
Type: System..::.Object
Type of the event trigger (Absolute, Approximate, Follow).
Type: System..::.Object
The start date. The format is in OleDateTime.
Type: System..::.Object
The start timecode. In UINT or string format ("hh:mm:ss:ff" format with length 11 only).
Type: System..::.Object
The mark in. Provided in "HH:MM:SS:FF" or int fields format. If not provided, will resolve to clip's mark in from retrieve from the database.
Type: System..::.Boolean
if set to true [absolute mark in].
Type: System..::.Object
Duration of the event. In UINT or string format ("hh:mm:ss:ff" format with length 11 only). If not provided, it will resolve to the clips duration, retrieved from the database.
Type: System..::.String
Insert new event after this EventID. Used only for Follow events.

Return Value

Event Id


A Change notice will be generated of type NoticeInsertEvent for the new event. If the event got cued during insertion, a NoticeEventCued notice will generated as well. For each child event under the new event, a NoticeUpdateEvent will be generated.

See Also