Gets the status.

Namespace:  GrassValley.Mseries.Control
Assembly:  GrassValley.Mseries.Control (in GrassValley.Mseries.Control.dll) Version:


Object GetStatus(
	string statusQuery
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Function GetStatus ( _
	statusQuery As String _
) As Object
Visual C++
Object^ GetStatus(
	String^ statusQuery


Type: System..::.String
Status query.

Return Value

object or object array


The GetStatus function can be used to return values for one or more status names. Multiple values can be requested by putting more than one name string in the status query. Status names should be separated by white space or the ‘+’ character. When a single value is requested, a single object is returned. When returning multiple values, an object array is returned. The order of elements in this array matches the order in the status query.

See Also