Gets the status range.

Namespace:  GrassValley.Mseries.ChanStatus
Assembly:  GrassValley.Mseries.ChanStatus (in GrassValley.Mseries.ChanStatus.dll) Version:


Object GetStatusRange(
	string statusQuery,
	ref int startUpdateNum,
	out int endUpdateNum
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Function GetStatusRange ( _
	statusQuery As String, _
	ByRef startUpdateNum As Integer, _
	<OutAttribute> ByRef endUpdateNum As Integer _
) As Object
Visual C++
Object^ GetStatusRange(
	String^ statusQuery, 
	int% startUpdateNum, 
	[OutAttribute] int% endUpdateNum


Type: System..::.String
Status query.
Type: System..::.Int32 %
Start update num.
Type: System..::.Int32 %
End update num.

Return Value

object array


The memory-mapped file that lies beneath the ChannelStatus object stores one second of values for each status name, one value per frame. GetStatus returns the most recent value. GetStatusRange allows you to retrieve any portion of this status history. The result is always an object array. When returning more than one parameter value, result is an array of arrays, one array per requested parameter. Since each value is stamped with an update number, the startUpdateNum parameter can be used to request a portion of the status history. This value is usually the EndUpdateNum from the last call to GetStatusRange.

See Also