Creates a new application server object or returns the IAppServer interface to an existing application server object.

Namespace:  GrassValley.Mseries.AppServer
Assembly:  GrassValley.Mseries.AppServer (in GrassValley.Mseries.AppServer.dll) Version:


IAppServer CreateAppServer(
	string clientHostName,
	string suiteName,
	string clientMachine,
	string clientName,
	out bool isNewConnection
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Function CreateAppServer ( _
	clientHostName As String, _
	suiteName As String, _
	clientMachine As String, _
	clientName As String, _
	<OutAttribute> ByRef isNewConnection As Boolean _
) As IAppServer
Visual C++
IAppServer^ CreateAppServer(
	String^ clientHostName, 
	String^ suiteName, 
	String^ clientMachine, 
	String^ clientName, 
	[OutAttribute] bool% isNewConnection


Type: System..::.String
Name of the client host.
Type: System..::.String
Name of the suite.
Type: System..::.String
Client machine.
Type: System..::.String
Name of the client.
Type: System..::.Boolean %
Is new connection.

Return Value

an IAppServer interface to a new or existing application server


AppService is designed so that when a user is finished running their client application, they have a choice whether to close or suspend their connection. This is handled by the AppServer. If the AppServer is closed, all channel connections that it owns will be closed and disconnected. If the AppServer is suspended, all connections will remain running as long as their channels are not stolen or until the user reconnects and closes the connections. The user may reconnect to the same AppServer on any machine as long as their suite name and user name remain the same. This means that 2 different users may not each have an AppServer with the same suite name. Here's is the logic flow of how AppServers are created: 1. AppServerMgr first looks at the suite name passed in. 2. If no AppServer exists with that suite name, AppServerMgr creates a new AppServer with that suite name and returns a “isNewConnection” value of true. 3. If AppServerMgr has an AppServer with that suitename, it checks if the user that is requesting it is the same as the one that originally created it. 4. If the user is the same, AppServerMgr returns the AppServer and returns a “isNewConnection” value of false because it did not create a new AppServer. 5. If the user is different, a SuiteInUseException is thrown with a “AppServer is in use by...” message. If the user is different, an InvalidOperationException is thrown with the “AppServer is in use...” message.

See Also